Seine Capital
Liquidity solutions for private capital assets

Who We Are
Seine Capital is a global, independent investment firm that offers a diverse array of solutions to investors and general partners who are in search of liquidity options for their private capital assets.
Significant expertise
in small deals
Secondary investor focused on the uncrowded lower end of the market.
Typical transaction size between $3 - $15 million.
Opportunistic across
private markets
Work with LPs and GPs to find the best solutions for their specific liquidity needs.
Invest in private capital assets broadly defined (including buyout, growth, fund of funds, credit and infrastructure, as well as more esoteric strategies).
Experienced team with
complementary skill sets
Investment principals from a range of professional and personal backgrounds.
All team members bring international experience and language skills.
Data-driven diligence &
risk management
Proprietary pricing models incorporating GP alpha, public-private arbitrage, and macro statistics.
Develop and maintain portfolio construction with focus on diversification, liquidity, and optimal risk-adjusted returns.

Our Focus
We offer liquidity solutions to investors seeking to exit mature private capital investments. This involves acquiring single LP stakes and portfolios that encompass a broad range of deal structures and geographies (main focus on developed markets and opportunistically elsewhere). We provide bespoke deal structuring across all secondary transaction types.
LP-Led Secondaries
GP-Led Secondaries
Preferred Equity
Direct Secondaries
Our Team
Seine Capital’s senior team has an established track record of managing capital for institutional clients ranging from the largest and most experienced private equity investors to smaller institutions and family offices. We prioritize trust, responsiveness, and seamless execution. Our commitment is to exceed our clients’ expectations in these critical domains.

Values hold significance
We are dedicated to cultivating enduring relationships with all of our stakeholders.
Our team operates with unwavering honesty and transparency. We value integrity without compromise.
Seine Capital operates by strict legal, ethical, and ESG guidelines. We are a signatory of the UN Principles for Responsible Investment.
We endeavor to deliver superior risk-adjusted returns by demonstrating resourcefulness, innovation, and thorough due diligence.
We emphasize collaboration and a common purpose while respecting diverse views and backgrounds.

Data-Driven Diligence & Risk Management
Proprietary pricing models incorporating GP alpha, public-private arbitrage, and macro statistics.
Develop and maintain portfolio construction with focus on diversification, liquidity, and optimal risk-adjusted returns.
Flexible solutions provider
We work with LPs and GPs to find the best solutions for their specific liquidity needs.
Transaction types include LP stakes, GP-led strip sales & continuation vehicles, preferred equity, and direct Secondaries.
Small-deal focus
Secondary investor focused on the uncrowded lower end of the market.
Experienced team with complementary skill sets
5 investment professionals from a range of professional and personal backgrounds.
All team members bring international experience and language skills.